Monday, April 25, 2011

Bloodsuckers Abound

In recent weeks I have read more than my share of vampire novels. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with vampire novels, since I have a series of my own based on bloodsuckers. Still, some stories concerning these dwellers of the night who prey on the living can be completely awful, while others merely instill the yawning reflex or worse, the gag reflex, bordering on full-out regurgitation. Still others make us sit up straight and take notice while we avidly devour every page in order to discover what type of vampiric realm we have been joyously cast into.

Two such titles are How To Marry a Millionaire Vampire, by Kerrelyn Sparks and The Blood That Bonds, by Christopher Buecheler. Each of these is completely different from the other - in fact, they are polar opposites, yet both are fascinating and well worth the read.

In How To Marry a Millionaire Vampire, we are treated to a romance that builds when Shanna Whelan meets Roman Draganesti. She is someone currently within the Witness Protection Program after witnessing a Russian Mob hit, he is the titled millionaire vampire, who breaks off one of his fangs one night while biting the throat of a plastic doll (don't ask - just read). Needing a dentist to fix his fang back in place (After all, it would not do for someone in his position to go around in society with only one fang, right?) he locates one in the form of our heroine Shanna Whelan. One blunder after another seals the fate of these two firmly together and they are off on a rollicking adventure of fun and romance that will keep you reading until the very end - which isn't really the end, since this is the first in a series, but so much fun to read you will want to get the rest as well.

In The Blood That Bonds, we are thrust into a realm that is decidedly not of romance and frivolity as the heroine (Simply named "Two"), who is trapped in the role as a heroin-infected-prostitute and can't escape, beaten and abused by the pimp who "owns" her, meets Theroen, a vampire of no mean power, who falls in love with her and she with him. He turns her into one of the denizens of darkness, but these are vamps with a difference, due to their particular bloodline - up to a certain point in their night-existence these vamps can revert - if their sire dies - completely. But Two doesn't want Theroen dead, since she loves him and wants to live the rest of her existence with him. Unfortunately Theroen lives in a large mansion along with his own sire, Abraham, who is not nearly as nice as is Theroen (Or as sane). Problem is, Abraham is much older and therefore much stronger than Theroen and Two combined. This does not make for a happy "family" situation.

Both stories are well-written, exciting, spell-binding and enjoyable. If you love vampires these two opposites will be stories you won't want to miss out on. Neither one has a romance twist anything like what is in the "popular" fiction on the silver screen, TV or in print about bloodsuckers, but each does have a romance - of sorts - as the main thrust of their plots. Guaranteed not to make you gag from overdone sweetness.

Read both stories today and satisfy your thirst for blood. Oh, did I mention that The Blood That Bonds is currently FREE on

* * * * *

From Jacob M. Drake

Buy: $4.99

Buy: $3.99

Buy: $5.95  -  Two complete eBooks in one huge volume.

Buy: $2.99
Buy: $2.99

Product Details
Dark Angel: Fallen
by Jacob M. Drake
Buy: $3.99

Buy: $4.99

Buy: $3.99

Product Details
Superion (A Coming of Heroes)
  by Jacob M. Drake
Buy: $2.99

From Jackson Williams

New Life by Jackson Williams 
Buy: $5.99

Meri XXXMas Cherry by Jackson Williams 
Buy: $2.99

NecroTales by Jackson Williams 
Buy: $2.99

 * * * * *


  1. I just recently reviewed The Blood That Bonds too (both are reviews are linked up on the site. I can't wait for the follow up. Hadn't read or even heard of the other one you have mentioned, good reaview and will keep my eyes peeled for it, thanx


  2. Glad to hear I steered you toward another book you might like. Let me know what you think of "How To Marry a Millionaire Vampire".
