I read a lot, I think everyone who reads this review blog knows that. My reading appetite means I read a lot of good books and a lot of bad books. The good ones I review on here. The bad ones I try to forget about. Sometimes I stumble across a book that is so exceptional I have to stop and think about how great it actually is. I've posted about a few of those books in this blog. Go back and read about them. You'll see which ones I'm talking about. This review is about the best book I have read all year - since January began the new year and I started writing this review blog. What book am I talking about? The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. I really wish this were a eBook published on Smashwords, so I could talk about an indie author being this good, but the trutth is Suzanne Collins is not an indie author, so those Smashwords authors I've reviewed this year and expounded their greatest of still hold the title in the indie arena. But overall, The Hunger Games is superbly awesome.
This is a story that must be considered apocalyptic, I suppose, since it deals with a society which has gone through enormous structural and societal change that only a huge upheaval could produce. Certainly we are told about some sort of inter-societal stress that resulted in thirteen districts within this new society rising up against the Capitol of the nation. Only one of those districts was completely obliterated, leaving the other twelve to fend for themselves in a re-made society that offers little other than struggle for those who lost their battle against tyranny.
The Capitol, which won the war and hence subjugates those losing districts under its control, insituted a system of "gaming" that is held on an annual basis. Only these games are to the death for all but the singular winning entry. Each district provides one boy and one girl for these games and every contestant must hunt down and kill the others in order to win. Victory means more food for that district represented by the winner, as well as great wealth for the sole victor. Everyone else gets death. And everyone in every district must watch the entirety of the games on television. Can't say as I would care to watch someone I know and perhaps love as someone else dismembers that person live.
The Hunger Games is a brutal realization that sometimes what we have isn't as good as we rthink it is. Sometimes we must fight for our existence and even more for our freedom. Perhaps this is why governments don't like this series of three books. Personally, I can't wait to read the next in this series. And the one after that.
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. A MUST read for every avid reader.
This is a story that must be considered apocalyptic, I suppose, since it deals with a society which has gone through enormous structural and societal change that only a huge upheaval could produce. Certainly we are told about some sort of inter-societal stress that resulted in thirteen districts within this new society rising up against the Capitol of the nation. Only one of those districts was completely obliterated, leaving the other twelve to fend for themselves in a re-made society that offers little other than struggle for those who lost their battle against tyranny.
The Capitol, which won the war and hence subjugates those losing districts under its control, insituted a system of "gaming" that is held on an annual basis. Only these games are to the death for all but the singular winning entry. Each district provides one boy and one girl for these games and every contestant must hunt down and kill the others in order to win. Victory means more food for that district represented by the winner, as well as great wealth for the sole victor. Everyone else gets death. And everyone in every district must watch the entirety of the games on television. Can't say as I would care to watch someone I know and perhaps love as someone else dismembers that person live.
The Hunger Games is a brutal realization that sometimes what we have isn't as good as we rthink it is. Sometimes we must fight for our existence and even more for our freedom. Perhaps this is why governments don't like this series of three books. Personally, I can't wait to read the next in this series. And the one after that.
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. A MUST read for every avid reader.
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The world tore itself into thousands of enclaves ruled by psychic Moms and iron-fisted Dads and surrounded by killing void. Children born into the world must choose: Obey and survive or refuse and be thrown into the black. Eighteen year-old Diandra Brown chooses the void—to search for the brother punished for her sins. To risk everything for love. To find a way to make the world whole again.
An accident leaves Cecilia Lovelace’s body in a coma while her spirit is free to roam. The only person who can see and hear her is her first love. Zachary Alston can't believe that Cecilia is a ghost and that she has a message from his dead son. Together, they learn the accident was an attempt to kill Zachary. While solving the mystery, they fall victim to love.
Mary White claims the easiest thing anyone can do is love someone. Until her daughter, Rose, is born.
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