Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pundit or Pawn?

Homicide Detective John Cooper has been at his job long enough to know how to catch even the craftiest perp. That is until he begins receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be the actual killer of a string of dead hookers. The problem is that the police already have the killer in custody along with plenty of supporting evidence to convict him without any difficulty. Yet the man who keeps contacting Detective Cooper claims he is not only the real killer, but has set up the man being held for his crimes as well as the one responsible for many other deaths. To him, this is all just a game for his own amusement.

Now John Cooper has to re-open cases everyone else would prefer to keep closed in order to discover the truth. He alone knows this mysterious caller has to be involved in some manner, since he has intimate knowledge of each death not released to anyone outside of the police department and certainly not to the media.

In Next Move, You're Dead, author Linda Lavonne Barton gives us a tale of suspense, intrigue and deception sure to keep each reader on the edge of the seat reading unceasingly in order to get to the surprise ending. With each new death John Cooper finds himself pitted against a mastermind who seems to be controlling the game placed in motion - a game John Cooper doesn't seem to be able to win. A game that will cost him not only his career and marriage, but his very life if he isn't careful.

Next Move, You're Dead, by Linda Lavonne Barton on Smashwords. Download it today to the e-reader of your choice. Be careful you don't inadvertently get yourself involved in this dastardly scheme. You might not survive.

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