What is an emirate? It is the area of land or territory ruled by an emir. An emir is a ruler, commander or chief in an Islamic country. Today, November 6th, 2012, the nation I reside in held its latest Presidential Election and the outcome was that Barack Hussein Obama was re-elected as President of the United States over Mitt Romney, the governor who ran against him. Obama has proven through his own words this past year especially that he is NOT an American, but a Soviet and one who is religiously a Muslim or Islamist in the very core of his being. If you think otherwise, stop being the total idiot you are and run a search on YOUR president, because he sure the fuck is NOT my President and you will see the truth about this soviet who has nothing less at his core being than to see the United States of America torn asunder and delivered into the hands of his cronies and religious buddies, those who are the worst of the worst of the Islamic terrorists who want to not only destroy the People of America, but to wage a jihad, or "holy war", as if such a thing could ever be "holy", against those of us who have lived our lives in the most free country this world has ever seen. Barrack Hussein Obama is the elected Emir of the United Socialist Emirates.
How did such a travesty happen? It came about because this Traitor president, Barack Hussein Obama, decreased the ability of many Americans to earn a living. At the same time he made it easier for these same people to receive Welfare benefits so that eventually they would become dependent upon him for their very livelihood. Once these teaming masses of Welfare recipients were hooked on receiving free benefits from their "savior", Barack Hussein Obama, they had no choice but to vote him into office for a second term. To do otherwise, to elect a true American as President would mean that their benefits would decrease and eventually cease, and that these Welfare Whores simply could not do.
It came about because across this once and no longer great nation the "Liberal Element" were blinded by their own greed and stupidity to the fact that this man who was not even a true American and had no true birth certificate or reason to even be called an American, had been a thriving socialist from his childhood to the present. Barack Hussein Obama was so eager to follow in the footsteps of the father, who provided the sperm for his incarnation, but who could not even stick around long enough to see his whelp grow to boyhood, let along manhood, that he dove into the political leaning of Socialism and adhered to the whore-mongering, woman-defaming tenants of being a Muslim so that he could prove to the father who never cared about him that he was even more of a Socialist and murdering Muslim than his "deadbeat dad" father ever was.
And still these liberals swooned in the wake of their "chosen one".
I know that in the Bible, the One and Only True Word of the All Father, known as "God" to most, though that is not His name, has said that in the End Times everything will grown worse and worse until the end will come, but that does not mean that the righteous should stand back and allow the unrighteous to take over this Earth. I and many others fought our hardest to see that the Whoremonger Obama would not be re-elected, but those who desire whoredom fought harder, for there are more of them than there are of us and eventually won. Again, my Lord's own Word of Scripture says that in the end it will grow worse and worse until the End will come, and so it now is.
Still, as I listened to night to the mouthings of this Prick among Pricks who has deceived and continues to deceive mankind with his deceit and lies, I burned with a righteous anger, knowing there was nothing physically I could do to stop this from happening. But mark my words that I and many like me will survive from this moment onward to see the end of those who played the harlot with this great representative of the Great Whore of Babylon and elected him to office once more. We will see the heavens open and the Lord descend upon this Earth and then the dead in our Lord shall rise first and we who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Him in the air, and thus we shall be with Him for all eternity.
But for those of you who voted against righteousness and truth and all that is Holy, you will be burnt with a righteous fire that will never end forever and ever and ever, for tonight - you made it happen and tonight - I saw the death of the United States of America and the birth of the United Socialist Emirates. I hope you traitors to the USA enjoy watching your Islamic Masters as they enslave your daughters and use them as sex toys and take the sword to the rest of you who bowed the neck to the Enemy and opened the door for him to enter in, for it is a certainty that this will happen and that these, your Masters, will not even recognize you as those who gave them their power, for you are to them merely part of the Great Satan, all those who are not of Islam, and therefore deserving of nothing more than to be slaughtered. And they are right.
Welcome to the United Soviet Emirates.
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