Do you, like thousands upon thousands of other people around this mudball we call the planet Earth have a blog? If you do, most likely you post odd little tidbits that come to mind, things you feel are interesting to you in the hopes that other people might be interested in them as well. Some people are right on this count and other people are interested in what gets put into any given blog. Most, however, are incorrect and the daily doses of "little Johnny or Jenny" posted are enough to make most of us gag and wretch and begin to barf up whatever might reside within our stomachs.
Not so with one specific blogger who posts under the name of Dangerspouse and calls his life-mate NewWifey(tm). This particular posting of blog stories is to say the least - hilariously funny. From purple dinosaurs to Irish stew to bear cubs that steal golf clubs, the ramblings of Dangerspouse (whose real name I have yet to learn) are irrevocably and incessantly funny enough to make each new reader return to read more and more of these postings - only to find this online author does not post often enough.
**SIGH** Yes, that is the only problem and complaint I have with with this blogger site - Dangerspouse does not add new posts nearly often enough to suit me. Once you have read everything in his copious backlog of story-snippets, you realize there isn't anything more - anything new - and when was the latest entry written?? That long ago? Why the HELL hasn't he returned to add another new post so I can get my rather-larger-than-I-prefer gut jiggling like that proverbial bowl full of Jell-O until my sides ache and tears are silently streaming down my cheeks?
If, for a limited time, as with any other reader of an author of fine writing, you want to sit back and enjoy your day while someone else does the work of making you laugh, check out the blog from Dangerspouse. ***WARNING*** Reading this blog may cause excitability along with feral sounds that emit unexpectedly and uncontrollably from deep within your diaphragm. Make certain your health insurance premiums are up-to-date before venturing forth and beginning to read this blog.
***DISCLAIMER*** We here at Crescent Suns e-Books are not and cannot be held responsible for any pain or physical misalignment caused by eruptive joviality. If you persist in reading the blog by Dangerspouse you do so on your own and without having been coerced by anyone else.
Enjoy. I do.
Not so with one specific blogger who posts under the name of Dangerspouse and calls his life-mate NewWifey(tm). This particular posting of blog stories is to say the least - hilariously funny. From purple dinosaurs to Irish stew to bear cubs that steal golf clubs, the ramblings of Dangerspouse (whose real name I have yet to learn) are irrevocably and incessantly funny enough to make each new reader return to read more and more of these postings - only to find this online author does not post often enough.
**SIGH** Yes, that is the only problem and complaint I have with with this blogger site - Dangerspouse does not add new posts nearly often enough to suit me. Once you have read everything in his copious backlog of story-snippets, you realize there isn't anything more - anything new - and when was the latest entry written?? That long ago? Why the HELL hasn't he returned to add another new post so I can get my rather-larger-than-I-prefer gut jiggling like that proverbial bowl full of Jell-O until my sides ache and tears are silently streaming down my cheeks?
If, for a limited time, as with any other reader of an author of fine writing, you want to sit back and enjoy your day while someone else does the work of making you laugh, check out the blog from Dangerspouse. ***WARNING*** Reading this blog may cause excitability along with feral sounds that emit unexpectedly and uncontrollably from deep within your diaphragm. Make certain your health insurance premiums are up-to-date before venturing forth and beginning to read this blog.
***DISCLAIMER*** We here at Crescent Suns e-Books are not and cannot be held responsible for any pain or physical misalignment caused by eruptive joviality. If you persist in reading the blog by Dangerspouse you do so on your own and without having been coerced by anyone else.
Enjoy. I do.
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