This is how Maggie Taylor looks at what has happened to her in the past few weeks. She was your average wife and mother with nothing special happening in her life - until the day she turned her back for a few minutes to pluck a couple of small branches off a bush she wanted growing in her back yard. That was when she found her daughter missing from the swing set at the park they had stopped at.
Confusion sets in as Maggie searches all about for her missing daughter. But her efforts aren't nearly enough to locate one small child that has gone missing. Soon the police department is called in, but even with their help and all the volunteers searching diligently for her daughter, she doesn't turn up. Until a couple of weeks later when she does - dead.
Every mother's worst nightmare is explored in this deadly drama from Donna Lee Comer that pits one mother's frantic efforts against not one, but two serial killers, both living in and working out of one small town.
Things are bad enough for the Taylor family at this point, but even as she begins to put together new facts that lead her to the ultimate conclusion of who the person was who kidnapped her daughter from the park, Maggie herself is kidnapped by the second serial killer and held hostage in a small shed out where no one can possibly find her. What makes matters even worse is that Maggie realizes she isn't the only one this deranged psychopath has abducted and held in the shed she finds she is unable to break free from. Horror sets in even more when she understands that none of those abducted girls lived. What will happen to her?
In the last post from Crescent Suns Publishing I looked at the question of committing evil to do wrong. In this post I look at the same question - from a slightly different perspective: if evil has been committed against you - in the worst possible manner - should you commit the worst possible evil back against the one who harmed you? This is what Maggie Taylor struggles with both before and after the fact, as she wrestles with the knowledge of what she will have to do in order to free herself from her captor and serve justice against the man who abducted her daughter and ended her life forever before she could even begin to enjoy it.
Again I ask the question - What would you do? Would you seek retribution against both of these men? Would you want to watch as their lives ebbed away from them, leaving them as lifeless as your child, who no longer has the possibility of living? Would you feel guilty or relieved at the completion of these acts of violence you know you must commit in order to free yourself not only physically, but mentally, as well? And what would you tell the police? Should you confess your part in these men deaths or leave it for the cops to figure out on their own, hoping no one discovers your involvement?
In A Day For A Day, available from, Donna Lee Comer has given us a victim/heroine we can not only root for, but plot along with as she decides what will work best to free her from captivity and impending death.
If your heart is weak or you can't stomach violence toward children or women, don't read A Day For A Day. If you enjoy hard-edged drama and deranged serial killers, start reading it now.
Hollywood is an All-Volunteer Army by Steven Paul Leiva. $3.99 from
Here's a story that moves from Hollywood to Manhattan to London to the Greek Island of Corfu to a castle by the sea steeped in Hollywood history and, finally, to the skies over California where World War II Spitfires and Messerschmitts dogfight to the death, and wherein the Fixxer, and his band of cohorts and confidants do battle against the amorality of the universe.
Confusion sets in as Maggie searches all about for her missing daughter. But her efforts aren't nearly enough to locate one small child that has gone missing. Soon the police department is called in, but even with their help and all the volunteers searching diligently for her daughter, she doesn't turn up. Until a couple of weeks later when she does - dead.
Every mother's worst nightmare is explored in this deadly drama from Donna Lee Comer that pits one mother's frantic efforts against not one, but two serial killers, both living in and working out of one small town.
Things are bad enough for the Taylor family at this point, but even as she begins to put together new facts that lead her to the ultimate conclusion of who the person was who kidnapped her daughter from the park, Maggie herself is kidnapped by the second serial killer and held hostage in a small shed out where no one can possibly find her. What makes matters even worse is that Maggie realizes she isn't the only one this deranged psychopath has abducted and held in the shed she finds she is unable to break free from. Horror sets in even more when she understands that none of those abducted girls lived. What will happen to her?
In the last post from Crescent Suns Publishing I looked at the question of committing evil to do wrong. In this post I look at the same question - from a slightly different perspective: if evil has been committed against you - in the worst possible manner - should you commit the worst possible evil back against the one who harmed you? This is what Maggie Taylor struggles with both before and after the fact, as she wrestles with the knowledge of what she will have to do in order to free herself from her captor and serve justice against the man who abducted her daughter and ended her life forever before she could even begin to enjoy it.
Again I ask the question - What would you do? Would you seek retribution against both of these men? Would you want to watch as their lives ebbed away from them, leaving them as lifeless as your child, who no longer has the possibility of living? Would you feel guilty or relieved at the completion of these acts of violence you know you must commit in order to free yourself not only physically, but mentally, as well? And what would you tell the police? Should you confess your part in these men deaths or leave it for the cops to figure out on their own, hoping no one discovers your involvement?
In A Day For A Day, available from, Donna Lee Comer has given us a victim/heroine we can not only root for, but plot along with as she decides what will work best to free her from captivity and impending death.
If your heart is weak or you can't stomach violence toward children or women, don't read A Day For A Day. If you enjoy hard-edged drama and deranged serial killers, start reading it now.
* * * * *
Here's a story that moves from Hollywood to Manhattan to London to the Greek Island of Corfu to a castle by the sea steeped in Hollywood history and, finally, to the skies over California where World War II Spitfires and Messerschmitts dogfight to the death, and wherein the Fixxer, and his band of cohorts and confidants do battle against the amorality of the universe.
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